Thinking about the imminent eco-doomsday? Perhaps you have eco-anxiety. So what are you going to do about it?

Recently I was scrolling through Netflix and came across a suggestion for me based on my recent views. It was called Doomsday Preppers

It reminded me of R.E.M’s lyrics, “It’s the end of the world as we know it, I feel fine.” Sadly, when I was a teenager in the 1987 blasting this on my taped deck I wasn’t actually thinking this was a conceivable reality, just an incredibly catchy song which was great to dance to with my friends whilst singing into a hairbrush. Fast forward 30 years and my teenage daughters are actually considering it a potential risk if change doesn’t happen - and quickly

In Doomsday Preppers, the “preppers” are preparing themselves for the end of the world caused by an unfathomable natural disaster, a nuclear winter or some cataclysmic apocalyptic event, potentially even the onset of Zombies. It honestly feels like a “Walking Dead” documentary series. 

All of this angst and gloom is potentially coming out of the rise of Eco-Anxiety. Climate grief, climate anxiety, eco paralysis, climate distress, climate burnout, pshycoterratic; these are all terms developed by professionals in the field of mental health to describe the overwhelming rise of patients who are exhibiting signs of manic behaviour, insomnia, exhaustion, along with existential anxieties of death, guilt, and hyper sensitive feelings of meaninglessness caused by the increased reports about the status of our climate emergency in the media. 

There are even climate change adaptation strategies being developed by psychologists to help treat the rise in patient numbers and the AMA (Australian Medical Association) has recently been quoted as suggesting we need leadership on a national strategy for health and climate change

It really sounds like shit doesn’t it. Micheal Stipe, I don’t feel fine!

So what can be done? 

Most importantly our leaders need to approach this issue like the emergency it actually is and make some brave and bold changes to ensure that we meet zero carbon emissions within the next 5-8 years. 2050 just won't cut it I’m afraid! And yes they are going to have to lose some friends along the way (you know the ones I’m talking about) in order to make way for some innovative and creative changes that will create a NEW normal - a healthier, safer and more sustainable one. 

And this is where sadly I start to panic because when I see who are our current and future leaders I’m left feeling despondent and angry. I know in my heart I need to take action myself. If I’m going to hold them accountable, I’d better make sure my own balance sheet is in the “green”. 

My favourite quote by Ghandi has always been, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” If I was ever going to get a quote tattooed to my body, this would be the safest bet for me, and I like to think that I would try to live by this mantra every day of my life. 

Instead of living a life preparing for armageddon like a Doomsday Prepper, or staying indoors and surrounding myself with thoughts of imminent gloom and adding to the medical wait list; I’m going to get outside and get a high dose of antidepressant straight from my soil. That’s right, recent studies by Bristol University have found that antidepressant microbes called Mycobacterium vaccae have actually been found in soil and they increase the level of serotonin which inturn reduces the rise of depression and anxiety. 

So take your gardening gloves OFF and get your hands grubby. 

Aside from the ‘feel good’ effects of getting dirty, it also makes me feel like I’m actually making a positive change; small steps in the right direction. I’m certainly not going to sit back and wait for our leaders to fix the problem. Instead, I’m going to get out and plant some healthy organic food to increase my own food security. 

I’m going to reduce the amount of waste I consume and move towards my own zero carbon emissions. 

I’m going to make every square inch on my urban block be as chemical free as humanly possible.

I’m going to become a composting Queen and create the most amazing nutrient dense soil. 

I’m going to harness the power of worms and breed a tub full of them. 

I’m going to create a haven for bees to fall in love with and thrive in. 

I’m going to learn how to make things from scratch and enjoy the process of everything “slow” the way my Mormor did. 

I’m going to build a village the old fashioned way and create and share with a smile. 

I’m going to enjoy watching a forest of green pop up everywhere. 

I’m going to celebrate and embrace innovations that will change our world for the better. 

I’m NOT going to sit back and do nothing. 

I’m NOT going to let negative emotions consume my life. 

I’m NOT going to let others judge me, and if they do, it’s certainly NOT going to affect me. It’s actually none of my business what others think of me. 

I’m NOT going to live a life of “Either”, “Or”. I can have a mobile phone, use it in moderation as well as ride my bicycle and have solar power on my roof. I’m NOT a hypocrite. 

I’m NOT perfect and I’m going to embrace the fact that mistakes and setbacks are a motivation to learn more and do better. 

So, what are you going to do? 

I encourage you all to make small steps in the right direction. Despite what some Negative Nancies say, small steps do make a difference. Small steps and early adopters set the path for others to join you on the journey and ultimately create change. If you don’t know how to do something, don’t whimper and be ashamed. ASK someone who does. Join a local community group who can show you how. 

Maybe I should create a new Netflix show called, “Little Green Patch” which travels the world highlighting the amazing little patches of green created by a swell of people who are embracing a ‘green change’ and saving the planet one square metre at a time. I imagine the closing image would be one of those drone shots where the camera slowly pans upward looking down on the sheer scale of countless little green patches. One becomes 10, becomes 100, becomes, 1000 until eventually the whole planet is a sea of blue and green once again. 

I like that image. 

Who wants to join me?


