Head Coach & Founder of Little Green Patch, Louise.

Head Coach & Founder of Little Green Patch

Louise Bahnson

Louise is a farmers daughter and grew up on farms across Denmark & Australia. She has been a gardener her whole life and can’t recall a time when she wasn’t growing vegetables in her garden. Her backyard on Tamborine Mountain, QLD, has been transformed from the humble monoculture lawn to a thriving food forest full of fruiting trees and vegetables all on a small 690 square meter block of land.

The entire block is organic and all fertilisers and amendments are natural and made from organic sources on site. Using principles based in biodynamics and regenerative urban agriculture, this garden is proof that you don’t need chemicals to successfully feed your family all year round.

Louise is also a huge Compost Nerd and genuinely believes that composting will save the world.

“I focus on building the biodiversity on our site and nurture the soil to be at its optimum health. For me it’s about encouraging as much wildlife into the garden because they ultimately are my pest controllers - the native frogs eat the caterpillars, the birds eat the unwanted insects and everything just finds it’s unique balance point to work harmoniously together.”

Louise has a Bachelor of Education (Hons) degree and has taught her entire adult life working in multiple settings including primary schools, high schools, tertiary education as well as private and corporate settings. She is a passionate life long learner and knows how to get the best out of her students.

Her motto in life is “be the change you want to see in the world,” and her hope is that one day, soon, the world will nurture its soils back to optimum health to promote healthy soils, healthy life and a healthy planet.

Get in touch.

We’d love to hear from you. If you would like to know more about future workshops, intensive master classes or online courses, get in contact with us.


PO Box 214
North Tamborine, QLD 4272 Australia